Twin Flames - The Surrender of Everything
Part of the process... After my twin cut me off, one of the first things I discovered about Twin Flames was that surrender was an...

Twin Flames - The One That Came Before
Into my heart... Today I need to write about Xavier. I had no idea that I would be writing about him, until the words and the emotions...

Twin Flames - A Love Without Conditions
A love beyond love... Unconditional love holds no prisoners. It is love beyond love. There are no tests here; no prerequisites or demands...

Twin Flames - The Dark Before The Dawn
An intricate plan... I am starting to sense my ego’s weary relief as it finally grasps that it is not responsible for controlling the...

Twin Flames - How Our Childhood Dynamics Shape Our Ego-selves.
Honouring ourselves... I wrote recently about my recognition of alcohol having been another form of abusive relationship in my life. This...

Twin Flame Abandonment - Grace in Disguise
The one... I want to write in more detail about the abrupt abandonment that often takes place in Twin flame relationships; that moment...

Twin Flame Reunion - Why Self-Love is The Ultimate Key
Something I knew... From an early age, I always knew there was a love that would fulfill me on every level, where I would be loved deeply...

Twin Flames - The Perfect Timing of Signs and Synchronicities.
Magic lay all around us... As any true Twin flame is aware, relentless signs and synchronicities are a defining part of the Twin flame...

Twin Flame Awakening - The Shedding of Addictions.
Part of the process... When I first started investigating spiritual awakening, I read repeatedly that addictions and unhealthy habits...

Twin Flames - Why Depending on Outside Validation Delays Reunion.
Looking in the wrong direction... As I mentioned in My Path So Far, I believe that every time we look outside of ourselves for...