Twin Flames - The Surrender of Everything
Part of the process... After my twin cut me off, one of the first things I discovered about Twin Flames was that surrender was an...

Twin Flames - The One That Came Before
Into my heart... Today I need to write about Xavier. I had no idea that I would be writing about him, until the words and the emotions...

Twin Flames - A Love Without Conditions
A love beyond love... Unconditional love holds no prisoners. It is love beyond love. There are no tests here; no prerequisites or demands...

Twin Flames - The Dark Before The Dawn
An intricate plan... I am starting to sense my ego’s weary relief as it finally grasps that it is not responsible for controlling the...

Twin Flames - The Perfect Timing of Signs and Synchronicities.
Magic lay all around us... As any true Twin flame is aware, relentless signs and synchronicities are a defining part of the Twin flame...

Twin Flame Awakening - The Shedding of Addictions.
Part of the process... When I first started investigating spiritual awakening, I read repeatedly that addictions and unhealthy habits...

Twin Flames - Why Depending on Outside Validation Delays Reunion.
Looking in the wrong direction... As I mentioned in My Path So Far, I believe that every time we look outside of ourselves for...

Twin Flame Awakening - Why Seeking it Means We Won't Find it
The path of awakening... When I started on the path of awakening, I wanted it more than anything. I wanted it because I was suffering....

Transcending The Pain of Twin Flame Separation
Something else... The pain that arose due to my twin’s departure was merciless, invasive, and inhumane. I’d known pain before of course;...