Twin Flames - Allowing Desire for Physical Reunion
Conscious investigation... The ego voice is compelling, as well as being reassuringly familiar, which is why it incites reactive...
Twin Flames - Abiding in Awareness
After we awaken... I wanted to write a little more about what happens after we awaken. What I specifically wanted to address is the sense...
Twin Flame Separation Pain - From Devastation to Serenity
The tide will turn... The first blog post I ever wrote was about the pain of twin flame separation and how I'd learnt to transmute that...
Twin Flames - Accepting The Atonement
I first learned of the Atonement when I read A Course in Miracles. Atonement is the place where we are abolished of all guilt and shame. Our
Twin Flames - The Surrender of Everything
Part of the process... After my twin cut me off, one of the first things I discovered about Twin Flames was that surrender was an...
Twin Flames - A Love Without Conditions
A love beyond love... Unconditional love holds no prisoners. It is love beyond love. There are no tests here; no prerequisites or demands...
Twin Flame Abandonment - Grace in Disguise
The one... I want to write in more detail about the abrupt abandonment that often takes place in Twin flame relationships; that moment...
Twin Flame Awakening - The Shedding of Addictions.
Part of the process... When I first started investigating spiritual awakening, I read repeatedly that addictions and unhealthy habits...
Twin Flames - Why Depending on Outside Validation Delays Reunion.
Looking in the wrong direction... As I mentioned in My Path So Far, I believe that every time we look outside of ourselves for...
Twin Flame Awakening - Switching Between Faith and Fear
Somewhere, someplace... Last night, I listened to two songs on my mp3 player - both of my twin playing piano and singing. He wrote the...